Igniting Barriers: Un-German Spirit


Igniting Barriers

Pushing Against the Un-German Spirit

“Against the Un-German Spirit!
1. Language and literature have their roots in the Folk. It is the German Folk's responsibility to assure that its language and literature are the pure and unadulterated expression of its Folk traditions.
2. At present there is a chasm between literature and German tradition. This situation is a disgrace.
3. Purity of language and literature is your responsibility! Your Folk has entrusted you with the duty of faithfully preserving your language.
4. Our most dangerous enemy is the Jew and those who are his slaves.
5. A Jew can only think Jewish. If he writes in German, he is lying. The German who writes in German, but thinks un-German, is a traitor! The student who speaks and writes un-German is, in addition, thoughtless and has abandoned his duties.
6. We want to eradicate lies, we want to denounce treason, we want institutions of discipline and political education for us the students, not mindlessness.
7. We want to regard the Jew as alien and we want to respect the traditions of the Folk.
Therefore, we demand of the censor:
Jewish writings are to be published in Hebrew.
If they appear in German, they must be identified as translations.
Strongest actions against the abuse of the German script.
German script is only available to Germans.
The un-German spirit is to be eradicated from public libraries.
8. We demand of the German students the desire and capability for independent knowledge and decisions.
9. We demand of German students the desire and capability to maintain the purity of the German language.
10. We demand of German students the desire and capability to overcome Jewish intellectualism and the resulting liberal decay in the German spirit.
11. We demand the selection of students and professors in accordance with their reliability and commitment to the German spirit.
12. We demand that German universities be a stronghold of the German Folk tradition and a battleground reflecting the power of the German mind.
The German Student Association."

-Theodor Heuss Haus. April 1933.

Theodor Heuss Haus. “Against the Un-German Spirit!” German Student Union, April 1933.

Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources. Einstein's Letter of Resignation. 1933.

With the increasingly hostile environment for Jews and others outside the "German Spirit", many intellectuals were expelled from their academic positions. Albert Einstein was one of these people, leaving when the Enabling Act was put into place.

The Reichstag has enacted the following law, which has the agreement of the Reichsrat and meets the requirements for a constitutional amendment, which is hereby announced:

Article 1

In addition to the procedure prescribed by the Constitution, laws of the Reich may also be enacted by the Reich Government. This includes laws as referred to by Articles 85, Sentence 2, and Article 87 of the Constitution.

Article 2

Laws enacted by the Reich Government may deviate from the Constitution as long as they do not affect the institutions of the Reichstag and the Reichsrat. The rights of the President remain undisturbed.

Article 3

Laws enacted by the Reich Government shall be issued by the Chancellor and announced in the Reichsgesetzblatt. They shall take effect on the day following the announcement, unless they prescribe a different date. Articles 68 to 77 of the Constitution do not apply to laws enacted by the Reich Government.

Article 4

Reich treaties with foreign states that affect matters of Reich legislation shall not require the approval of the bodies concerned with legislation. The Reich Government shall issue the regulations required for the execution of such treaties.

Article 5

This law takes effect with the day of its proclamation. It loses force on April 1, 1937, or if the present Reich Government is replaced by another.

Berlin, March 24, 1933

The Reich President von Hindenburg

Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler

Reich Minister of the Interior Frick

Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs Freiherr von Neurath

Reich Minister of Finance Graf Schwerin von Krosigk

-1000 Dokumente, 1933.

1000 Dokumente. Enabling Act of 1933. Berlin, Germany. March 24, 1933.

Theodor Heuss Haus. "Law to rectify the plight of the people and the empire". March 23, 1933. ​​​​​​​